The Bank of Korea plans to invest some of its$ 307bn of foreign exchange reserves in renminbi-denominated assets on the Chinese mainland, as the central bank diversifies away from the US dollar. 韩国央行(BankofKorea)计划动用该国3070亿美元外汇储备中的一部分,投资以人民币计价的中国内地资产,实现外汇储备多样化,减轻对美元的依赖。
Other domestic institutions that offer foreign commercial loans shall apply to foreign exchange control agencies, which shall make decisions on whether granting an approval or not according to the assets and liabilities of the applicants. 其他境内机构向境外提供商业贷款,应当向外汇管理机关提出申请,外汇管理机关根据申请人的资产负债等情况作出批准或者不批准的决定;
For your second question, I did say at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year that we were concerned about China's foreign exchange assets in the United States, because it is China's money. 关于第二个问题,在今年冬季达沃斯论坛上,我确实讲过,对在美国的中国外汇储备资产十分关心,因为这是中国的财富。
The problem is not just that foreign exchange reserves are low yielding assets. 问题并不仅仅在于外汇储备是低收益资产。
Standard Chartered Bank said last month that there was evidence that China had stepped up the pace of its reserve diversification this year by investing about three-quarters of its new foreign exchange holdings in non-US dollar assets. 渣打银行(StandardCharteredbank)上月表示,有证据表明,今年中国已经加快了外汇储备多元化的进程,将大约四分之三的新增外汇储备投入非美元资产。
Instead of accumulating foreign exchange reserves and short-term financial assets, the government wants the nation to accumulate more long-term corporate real assets. 政府希望国家能够增加更多的长期企业实际资产,而不是增加外汇储备和短期金融资产。
As for its own foreign-related revenues and foreign payment, the authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange need not make indirect reports of statistics of balance of payments, but shall make the reports of overseas assets, liabilities, profits and losses of financial institution. 外汇指定银行自身涉外收入和对外款无需进行国际收支统计间接申报,但须进行金融机构境外资产、负债及损益申报。
Countries in the region could buy fewer dollars and put less of their booming foreign exchange reserves into US assets such as treasury bonds. 该地区的国家可能减少购买美元,并减少将不断膨胀的外汇储备投入到美国国债等美国资产中。
Moreover, the Chinese led the way in recycling a disproportionate share of their massive reservoir of foreign exchange reserves back into dollar-based assets. 此外,中国带头将其巨额外汇储备中不成比例的一部分重新转换成美元资产。
The river of capital is flowing backwards, he says of China's huge foreign exchange reserves and its need to invest in real assets. 资本之河正在倒流,夏伟谈到中国庞大的外汇储备及投资实物资产的需求时表示。
In addition, the amount of foreign exchange savings deposits, stocks, bonds, cash and other financial assets possessed by Chinese residents has also increased by a large margin. 与此同时,居民的外汇存款、股票、债券、手持现金等其他金融资产也在大幅度增加。
Senior Chinese officials, including Zhou Xiaochuan, central bank governor, have said that China needs to reduce its foreign exchange holdings and to improve and to diversify its reserves from any over-reliance on US dollar assets. 中国央行行长周小川等高级官员已表示,中国需要减少外汇储备,改进储备构成,将储备多样化,减轻对美元资产的过度依赖。
Foreign exchange analysts pointed to the improving signs on the US economy as likely to encourage equity managers to buy US assets. 外汇分析师认为,美国经济改善的迹象可能会鼓励股票基金公司购入美国资产。
The fundamental purpose to do investment in Europe is to protect the safety of our foreign exchange reserve, Song said, noting that it had historically been over-weighted in US dollar-backed assets. 在欧洲投资的根本目的,是保护中国外汇储备的安全。他指出,中国在历史上过于偏重美元资产。
A Hong Kong official said: Our proposal was for Chinese [ residents] with foreign exchange to be able to invest in all assets through Hong Kong. 一位香港官员表示:我们的建议是允许拥有外汇的中国内地(居民)通过香港投资所有资产。
Many Chinese officials and academics have been calling for a diversification of the country's$ 3,200bn foreign exchange reserves into real overseas assets, including infrastructure. 许多中国国官员和专业学者呼吁分散投资中国那三万两千亿美元的外汇储备,其中一部分投入海外有形资产,这其中包括基础设施。
The report also argued for stricter borrowing criteria, highlighting the risks for the China Investment Corporation of holding foreign exchange assets and domestic currency liabilities, which "might prove costly if the yuan appreciates". 亚行的这份报告还赞成实行更严格的借贷标准,突显中国投资有限公司(cic)持有外汇资产和本币负债的风险,“如果人民币升值,此举可能将付出沉重代价”。
Less so than last time: foreign exchange reserves are seven times pre-Asian crisis levels, and short term external assets now comfortably exceed short term debts. 情况比上一次危机要好一些:目前外汇储备是亚洲金融危机前的7倍,且短期外部资产远远高于短期债务。
China's commercial banks are important participants of the foreign exchange market. Their choosing assets and liabilities practice will influence the fluctuation of the exchange rate. 我国商业银行是外汇市场的重要参与者,其自身的资产负债选择行为影响着汇率的变动。
Exchange rate is determined and affected by demand and supply in foreign exchange market, current account balance, monetary policy, prices of related assets, economic base, national income, and international balance of payment, etc. 汇率的决定与外汇市场供求、经常账户平衡、央行货币政策、相关资产价格、经济基本面、国民收入及国际收支账户等有着直接的或间接的关系。
Therefore in the foreign exchange assets investment, emphasize low risk or high yield is not desirable, for portfolio selection should be carefully. 因此在对外汇资产进行投资时,一味的强调低风险或者强调高收益都是不可取的,对于投资组合的选取应该慎重。
With the analysis of foreign exchange indicators, it can calculate individual currently value of foreign exchange assets and it can show the changed condition of single or multiple foreign exchange assets to help user make accurate and timely judgment. 通过各种外汇指标的分析,可以计算个人外汇资产的当前价值;可显示单一外汇或多种外汇组合情况下资产的历史变动情况,帮助用户作出准确、及时的判断。
Using its accumulated foreign exchange reserves, Emerging economies purchase a lot of financial assets in developed countries, sustaining the long-term huge trade deficit of developed countries. 新兴经济体所积累的大量外汇储备由于购买发达国家金融资产回流到发达国家国内,后者的巨额贸易逆差得以长期维持。
And carrying out trade of foreign exchange and controlling investment risk is an important way for value retaining and increment of foreign exchange assets. 参与外汇交易、控制投资风险,是实现中国大量外汇资产保值增值的重要途径。
Like the other time financial assets, Foreign exchange assets volatility have heteroscedastic phenomenon. 由于外汇资产与其他的时间金融资产一样,其收益率的波动存在集聚效应&即异方差现象。
In the fifties of last century, Kuwait first used their own foreign exchange assets set up specifically to invest instate-owned investment entities. 其最早产生于上世纪五十年代,科威特利用本国外汇资产设立了专门进行投资的国有投资主体。
The uncertainty of the exchange rate are further considered by using the real options approach. In this paper draw the option pricing model included in foreign exchange assets of investment projects, and calculate the explicit solution of the model. 在运用实物期权方法时,进一步考虑汇率的不确定性,得出外汇资产投资项目中包含的期权的定价模型,算出模型的显式解。
Asset price refers to the price of stocks, bonds, real estates, foreign exchange and other assets. 资产价格,广义上是指公众所持有的股票、债券、房地产、外汇等资产的价格。
So we consider using dynamic method to study the correlation between foreign exchange assets, as a further measure of market risk. 所以本文考虑从动态的角度入手,研究外汇资产的相关性,作为进一步度量外汇市场风险的基础。